People may forget what you said and did, but they won’t forget how you made them feel.

 – Maya Angelou


As humans, we have the unique ability to communicate with others by using words and saying what we have on our minds.

However, there are things we communicate to people without even uttering a single word. Sometimes, it’s even louder than what we say.

And we communicate it using our Inner Voice.


What’s “Inner Voice”?

When we say “Inner Voice,” we’re not referring to the angel or devil hanging out on your shoulders.

The “Inner Voice” we refer to is the energy you emit to those around you. It is the impact that you make to other people without even saying a word. It is your vibe. It is your aura.


What Does Your Inner Voice Say About You?

When dealing with people, be it your family, friends, colleagues, or even customers, they can sense the energy you’re exuding, and depending on what it is, it might change the way they deal with you.

Your energy can either attract or repel people without you even saying a word. You can and will be judged by how you make people around you feel with the energy you exude. And when you always emit the same energy, that’s going to shape how others will perceive you as a person – even if it’s not who you are at your very core.


Why You Should Be Aware Of Your Inner Voice

Actions speak louder than words. It’s the same with your energy, your inner voice. And while your inner voice might not always accurately reflect your intention or what you have in mind, it’s what other people see. Sadly, you don’t always have the chance to communicate your true intentions or feelings verbally to everyone.

When it’s crucial to be sensitive to the words we say, it’s even more important to identify the energy we are emitting and ensure its aligned with who and what we are. Whether you’re dealing with your family, friends, colleagues, or clients, you want to make an impression that accurately reflects you and how you feel.


How To Tune In With Your Inner Self

As we go through life, we’ve developed layer after layer of filters. These filters are our response to the situations we’ve been through in the past. 

These filters are built (intentionally or not) to show people what we want them to see – not necessarily what we truly are inside.

If you try to peel these filters back, you’ll be reminded of who and what you truly are – and to embrace it. But first, we must know what these filters look like – by identifying the energy, we emit.

First, try to see yourself from a different perspective. Ask your friend, your colleague, or your family. Don’t be defensive, and don’t try to justify it. Just listen to what they have to say.

Then, observe yourself. Take a step back and assess how you dealt with people or how they have dealt with you. Do they look scared, intimidated, or relieved? What actions have you taken? What was your body language?

Once you get a better idea about the energy you emit, ask yourself, “does it reflect who I am at my very core? Is that how I would like to be perceived?” If yes, then you should be happy, and you should embrace it!

But if not, this can be an excellent start to make some changes and make sure you are in tune with your inner voice.



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Equine-guided Strategist & Co-founder Of Leapzone Strategies
Margarita is a visionary strategist, processor, business owner, systems engineer, creative writer, fanatical problem-solver, and one of the best selling authors of the business and marketing book titled, The Next Big Thing: Top Trends From Today’s Leading Experts to Help You Dominate the New Economy. She is a certified equine facilitated coach, has a BFA from Concordia University in Montreal and moved to Vancouver in 1994 to work in the film industry. Margarita’s 20 years of experience working closely with people and getting to understand how they think and function through brand development and management and systems creation and implementation, along with her passion for life, make her determined to help entrepreneurs, business leaders and their teams succeed.

To explore working with Margarita simply fill out LeapZone’s Needs Assessment here and we will connect to book your free clarity call.
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