By Craig Jarrow of Time Management Ninja

This week I want to talk about Evernote. I have used Evernote since 2008 and absolutely love it. It is a great tool for collecting all of your notes, information, and clippings into one place. Better yet, you can access your personal “brain database” from anywhere… your computer, laptop, phone, even the web. If you don’t use Evernote, I recommend that you check it out by reading my previous post about it.

Recently, I have found myself using Evernote more and more.
I wanted to share just a few of the tasks that I use it for and invite you to share your own.

Here are 5 Tasks That Evernote Helps Me With…

1. Notes Across Platforms:
One of my favorite uses for Evernote is taking notes across all of my platforms. Whether I am at work on my laptop, at home on my desktop, or mobile on my phone… all of my notes end up in one place.

2. White Boards:
Do you ever take photos of whiteboards at work? Where do those pics end up, in your photo roll? Inevitably, they get lost among the photos of your friends, family, etc. I take meeting whiteboard pics straight into Evernote. When I need to go look for a meeting pic, I can search for it from within Evernote.

3. Solutions to Problems:
When I solve a problem, I save the solution to Evernote. If I encounter that issue again, I have the answer at my fingertips. I recently needed some computer settings that I had solved long ago, and I was able to find my note from 2009 in just a few seconds. Can you find your notes from 4 years ago? (No matter where you are?)

4. Reference Docs:
I keep my main document library at home and backed up to the cloud. However, for documents that I may need to reference on the go, I send them straight to Evernote. (You can even do this via email.) A recent example is my son’s baseball schedule. I have it right in Evernote for handy reference.

5. Web Clippings:
If I see something on the web that I might want to use in the future, I clip it right to Evernote. No cutting and pasting, simply use Evernote’s browser extension. Makes it easy to save those great ideas that you see on the web.

Getting Started With Evernote
If you are new to Evernote, or just want better tips on using it, I highly recommend Brett Kelly’s book, Evernote Essentials.
Brett wrote the book on using Evernote and he has just updated it for the latest features.
(Great back story, Evernote liked Brett’s book so much that they hired him!)
So, check out Evernote Essentials.

How Do You Use Evernote?
Craig and I would love to hear how you use Evernote.
Let us know by commenting below or by tweeting us at @TMNinja and @LeapZone