There are several misconceptions which we all have about time. They affect everyone including those who may be considered quite successful and effective. This blog post has been inspired by the “Handbook on Time Management Skills” by The Center For Good Governance.

Here are some of the misconceptions identified by Dr. Mackenzie:

  • Time management is simple, all it requires is common sense.

While it is true that the concept is simple, an immense amount of self-discipline is required to practice effective time management, and that is not easy by any means.

  • Work is best performed under pressure.

Psychological studies show this to be no more than an excuse for procrastination. One does not work well under pressure – one does the best one can do under the circumstances. Pressure and challenge must not be confused. An athlete’s performance when their team is in trouble has more to do with application and determination rather than pressure.

  • I use a diary, a to-do list and have a secretary to keep me organized.

One has to keep oneself organized – no one can do it for others. The trouble with the disorganized person is that he or she hardly has time to communicate with their secretary or look at their diary.

  • I do not have the time.

The effective worker, manager or small business owner often gets more work done in the earlier hours of the morning than most people get done in the whole day. He or she then no longer has to work against tight deadlines and under stress which contributes to heart problems and not unusually the ultimate reduction of time on this earth.

  • Time management might be good for some kinds of work but my job is creative.

Time management is not about routine, it is about self-discipline. Lack of discipline prevents one from being great instead of simply good.

  • Time management takes away the fun and freedom of spontaneity.

Is working under stress, forgetting appointments, making constant excuses and apologies fun? Would it not be much more fun if by better organization one had one or two more hours every day to spend with the family, to play games, read a good book, plan for tomorrow and the day and week after or just relax?

Leap of the Week:
What’s your biggest misconception about time? Knowing that is the first step to making positive changes and to increasing your performance and therefore, your results.