Your website is the “storefront” of your business (even if you have a literal storefront, too). Your website needs to attract customers and keep them coming back for more. So pull up your website and ask yourself a few questions:
- Where do your eyes go first? You only have a few seconds to capture the attention of your audience…make sure they’re seeing something important.
- Can you tell what the website is about? Again, you only have a few seconds to communicate your unique value, so be clear and compelling.
- Is important information above the fold? Make sure your opt-in forms and Unique Selling Proposition are available without scrolling down.
- Are the benefits highlighted? Your visitors want to quickly learn “what’s in it for them.” Spell out the benefits clearly on the homepage.
- Is there a clear call to action? If they like what they see, prospects need to know what to do next. It can be to buy now, start a free trial, or simply download a free report.
- Are the colors and font distracting? Jarring colors, quick animation, and gaudy fonts can really be distracting. And if your visitors are distracted, they’ll click away.
- Do you feel personally connected? Consumers want to buy from people, not machines. Connect with your prospects by being honest, straightforward, and using a conversational style.
- Are there links to social media? Many people want to do a little more research before buying. Linking to social media sites gives your potential customers another glimpse into your company (and perhaps a few testimonials from other customers).
Once you determine a few areas where you can improve, develop a plan to start implementing changes. You don’t have to do them all at once – just do a few at a time until you have a website that really converts.
Leap Of The Week: Book 60 minutes of Bubble Time (100% uninterrupted) in your schedule right now and commit to getting this review done. Remember, your website is often your company’s first impression!