BRAND TOUCHPOINTS: The different ways your brand can interact with and impress your customers and stakeholders. BRAND HERO: A great branding lesson from Costco on how simple actions can create an outstanding customer experience. PERFORMANCE TIP OF THE WEEK: Call a Spade a Spade!.
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To be fair to Sony, they have been excellent at asking for feedback and listening to that feedback. I have filled out a few online satisfaction surveys…and every time, someone personally calls me to learn more about my recent purchase experience. It’s what they CAN’T DO with that feedback that is frustrating.
Asking for feedback is a great first step…but you have to ensure that you give your employees enough decision making power to be able to do something about that feedback and to make things right.
Good experiences lead to happy customers and happy customers lead to success.
Hi Isabelle.
This is a great segment – congrats! It reminds me of one of my favourite books “The Experience Economy – work is theatre and every business is a stage”.
In this book, Joseph Pine and James Gilmore discuss:
– the customer wow,
– customer satisfaction and,
– customer sacrifice.
I agree with you – we all need to pay attention to minimizing the sacrifice and maximizing the wows!
PS. Once you go Mac you’ll never go back!!
Excellent – very clear, I think you were very engaging. Nice fast pace, good lighting, bang-on topic.
Have you considered sending it to the president of Sony or at least the V-P of customer sacrifice?.
And if i were in your shoes i would change, i think you said “f-ck you” to “I think you don’t care about me at all.” (stirs up much more guilt!)
Thanks Jim for taking the time to view my video and for sharing your thoughts. It means a lot coming from you. We are now working on ways to make LeapTV extremely valuable to small business owners…so stay tuned for major improvements in the near future. Cheers.
Hi Isabelle, here just a tip this video is probably quite heavy…my computer as a hard time to run it…it might be something to think about
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Isabelle, thanks for sharing this experience. A good reminder for businesses big and small.
This experience
reminds me of the Mahatma Gandhi quote, I blogged about awhile back.
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”
Well done Isabelle.