We all get stuck sometimes. Not a problem… but what do you do to get ‘unstuck’?
Getting un-stuck isn’t always comfortable or easy. But what if the hard way: structure, discipline, less distraction, and more accountability was the easy way?
Your life is much smoother and easier when you are calm on the inside and have solid daily habits or “a winning routine” (as I like to call it) to keep you grounded. The benefits of a winning, daily routine are huge! Besides getting more done in less time, you will gain clarity, you will make the right daily pivotal shifts and gain immense momentum and satisfaction from your day… which leads to more profit! (Who would not want that, right?)
Once you have tasted the benefits of a good daily routine, you will never want to go back. We all know this… but… the question is: DO YOU DO IT? Whether you get up earlier to work out or take a break in the middle of the day or get more fresh air; look at what actions ground you the most. The actions that take you from feeling Good to feeling Great!
I know that for myself, I need to start the day with “Me Time”. I usually go to a 6:45am Power Yoga class, followed by a hard earned shower and a healthy breakfast. Then, I take a few minutes to get centered and get clear about what I need to accomplish today and I review my Non-Negotiable of the day. (What’s a non-negotiable? Find out here!)
The kicker? I make sure that I am clear on all my “deliverables” for the day and that my Non-Negotiable is done BEFORE I open my emails… ’cause once you let the world in… there’s no turning back!
Leap of The Week: How will you create space for what you care about today?