There is one marketing truth you must understand: People buy when they are ready to buy, not when you are ready to sell. So, just because your lead is not ready to buy today, doesn’t mean they aren’t important. After all, today’s leads are tomorrow’s customers, or next month’s or next year’s.

Treating your leads like customers ensures they will come directly to you once they are ready to buy.

I’m going to admit something that may sound a little arrogant. I have hundreds of thousands of customers. They just might not be buying from me right now. But, whenever I’m talking to any small business owner, I am thinking, “This is one of my customers.” I don’t even have a chance to tell them what Infusionsoft does before I have categorized them as “Customer” in my head. Many times it is my perceived value of this person that causes them to want to learn more about Infusionsoft…and often earns me another customer!

Similarly, treating your customers like friends is going to dramatically increase your customer loyalty. But, rather than expand upon this concept, I’d like to share a testimonial I received from an Infusionsoft customer (who attended our 2008 User Conference).

“I really feel that Infusion, as a whole, shows that you all care about your customers and really want all of us to succeed, whether in helping us with our business or using the software itself. Infusion makes me feel like “one big family” and you’re not just out there trying to sell us and that’s it.” -Shelley Chu

Customers are often disloyal; friends are usually loyal.

Leap of the Week:

What’s a small action you can take today to get this concept into motion? Re-connect with a past client, follow-up with a few prospects you had given up on, or perhaps, it’s simply calling one of your best clients just ’cause you’re thinking of them. Remember, opportunities come from everyone and everywhere at all times.

Have fun discovering the gold mine that you are sitting on.