“…to make an end is to make a beginning.”
— T.S. Eliot
As we face a new year, a new decade in fact, could there be anything more true? This quote from T.S. Eliot brings it home for me on two levels:
1. It is so important to really take the time to appreciate our past accomplishments and be grateful for where we have been and what we have done. This allows us to more effortlessly let go of the past to move forward.
2. It is equally important not to fear endings because ultimately they make room for new beginnings, which most often are even better.
I entered 2010 with the intention of exploring what I REALLY have to offer, to myself, and therefore to this world. I believe that by truly serving your inner being first, you will then automatically offer the best of you to others. Now this may not be news to you, but let me tell you that for me, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. I have this innate mechanism that is set to serving others first, which is only a problem when you forget yourself in the mix. A dear friend of mine calls it my “Virgo thing”. And maybe that’s true.
Exploring this intention means I have to let go of a lot of my everyday tasks and responsibilities to make room for this exploration to flourish. Some I have been more than overjoyed to let go of, others….not so easy. Really not, but I am persevering. And what I have to tell you, with not even the first month of 2010 over with, is that I am already beginning to feel the greatness that lies ahead. And the biggest lesson so far is once you open yourself up to the unknown, it instantly begins to become familiar.
Fully live. Appreciate the moment. Let go. Begin again. Experience the shift.