Branding Goes Way Beyond a Logo

When the word “branding” comes up in conversation, the first thing that comes to mind for many is the image of a product’s or company’s logo.

If we peel back the brand beyond the logo, it becomes clear that a “brand mark” is only one slice of the brand story. When a new brand is created by a design house, more often than not there is an in-depth process which takes place prior to the development of a logo or brand mark. In my mind, the brand is the cultural impression that a business wants to present to its customers.

Here is proof that branding goes beyond a logo. Last week, I was driving to an appointment. While moving slowly on a major road due to construction, I noticed a familiar van driving alongside me. The company van had a great logo and was promoting a bottleless drink water system. The brand led me to believe the water tasted good and was very healthy and clean.

Just as I was thinking about this and wondering if I should call them to set up a system for my home, I saw the driver of the van throw his cigarette butt out of the window. It was still lit and fell to the ground. In this moment, I made a split decision not to call this company. Witnessing this event had tainted my impression of the brand.

I’m sure you have had a similar brand encounter that has left a bad taste in your mouth. Now it’s time to ask yourself: Is your brand driving in the right direction?

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