One wounded apple and the entire bag is affected.
The same goes for your team or as I like to call it – your tribe. And when I say your “tribe” I also include your suppliers and subcontractors. All it takes is one non-performing tribe member, and one way or another, your entire organization is at risk, your patience is running thin and you’re becoming a time bomb waiting to explode. Sound familiar? In this Podcast, learn what you can do to “raise the bar” on yourself, your team and your suppliers to strengthen and leverage your support system.

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RISE is an audio podcast series that will lead you through what it takes to move forward towards reaching your goals. Through expert advice, tips, tools, insights and experiences, our focus is to help you continually make small shifts to build momentum and increase your brand equity. The easy-to-use media of audio podcasts offers a simple way to learn, be inspired and empowered, and continuously connect with ideas and proven strategies that will help you raise the bar.


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