Take a look at some marketing messages and call for actions that need to get with the times.
from The Ultimate Freelancer
“We offer full-service convenience…” Well, that’s nice, but a buyer looking for a specific result might not really care about convenience. How about revamping that message with a great benefit? – “Our full-service convenience lets you get results without wasting time chasing them.”
“Our standards of quality go beyond the competition…” Great. So what? Everyone says they’re the best. That statement just doesn’t resonate with many people anymore. So why not convey a message that says why your quality counts? “Our high quality makes sure that your readers are impressed with your business – and become your clients.”
“We’re your premier source…” Most people could care less whether the source is fantastic, marvelous or premier, as long as it works. Overhaul that message to relate to buyers more personally. “We make sure your business stays ahead of the competition and leads the pack.”
How often should you revisit your marketing messages or overhaul your copy? As often as it takes to stay current, keep sales alive and respond to what people want today, not what they wanted last year.
To find out how LeapZone Strategies can help you decrease sales lulls, ineffective business practices, and lack of direction in tough times, take our free online Needs Assessment or contact us today.