About a month ago I blogged on how fascinated I am with the brain, and particularly what occurs to create emotional buttons or triggers in How Old is Your “Hot Button”?. Today, I want to continue on the topic of the brain and what it takes to keep your mind sharp!
Both Isabelle and I each have a grandmother with Alzheimer’s, and we see first hand the deterioration that occurs both mentally and physically when the brain is no longer in optimum health. The Alzheimer Society of BC states that this disease is not a normal part of aging and is in fact, the most common form of dementia in Canada. Out of the more than 70,000 British Columbians with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, 10,000 of these are under the age of 65.
In my eyes, this is a warning to all of us to continue keeping our brains stimulated, healthy, active and properly fueled. The Alzheimer Society of BC has created a one-pager tip sheet called Heads Up for Healthier Brains outlining the simple things we can do to maintain our brain health. Please have a read and join me in making the shifts necessary to ensure that our later years are among the best years of our lives!